Relocating might be the dream, why not? After all, you've heard this is a pretty straightforward process with high success rate. What is there not to dream about, right?

Well, here are 5 things you must do immediately if you haven't.

1. Get a Passport: This is basic right? Get a Nigerian passport (if you are Nigerian) as soon as possible. The new process now means you can do it yourself for as little as N26,000. It is even cheaper in other states. Nigeria Immigration states that passports will be issued within a 6 weeks duration, so give ample space for that. 

To commence the process, simply click here: https://portal.immigration.gov.ng/passport/epassport

Remember, your passport must have at least 6 months validity for it to be stamped. Do not take the risk, get a new passport or do your renewal today - ok, tomorrow.

2. Make your research: Going to the United Kingdom is a whole project on its own. Be sure that you have researched well on the city, its history, the people, culture, job availability, crime rate e.t.c. Reports on the internet may be exaggerated or false, so do not rely solely on what you read. Wondering how else to source for information? consider reaching out to students who are in the city... Start by following the institution's social media pages.

3. Save up money: This is serious. The United Kingdom is an expensive place, especially since you would be converting your naira to pounds. N780 current exchanges for 1 pound in the black market, so your big money might end up being "chicken change" in pound sterling... you get? Save up as much as you can, and if possible in foreign currencies like the dollars, pound sterling and euros.


4. Get your educational documents: If you ever thought your original WAEC/WASSCE certificate was useless, then you are wrong o! You would need the original copies of all your qualification. This will also include your degree. Some schools accept HND (Sheffield Hallam for example). A second class lower will also be good enough for most schools, although some courses require better grades. IELTS is dependent on school and course being sort, without it, you will do just fine.

5. Pray: No too much story. You know what to do. It is important that you commit everything unto God's hands. 

There is a 6th thing which we believe you should do before starting this process, we would like to know if you can think of what this is. Drop us a comment if you can.


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